Most popular choices of students today include TESOL and TECSOL. These programs were originally provided by post graduate schools. However, private language centers have started to offer 10-weeks TESOL/TECSOL courses to the students at Upper-intermediate level or above and nowadays many students study to obtain the certificates before going back to their country.

There are two types of TESOL/TECSOL recognition: Certificate IV courses officially authorized by the Department of Education or Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) for qualification. Some language courses issue their own certificates but the above mentioned two programs are most effective. Intake schedules of TESOL/TECSOL courses vary with schools but mostly they have 4~5 intakes before each 10-week term starting from the beginning of the year.

English requirement of most TESOL/TECSOL courses is IELTS 6.0(Upper-intermediate level) or above. Every institution hosts an entrance test to determine whether a student is capable of keeping up with the class before accepting the student. In fact, you should not expect to get these certificates after you have spent most of the time working and travelling. To obtain the certificate you want, you need to improve your English skills (specially, writing skills) while you can.



Impact : 10-week TESOL/TKT Program
CIC : 10-week TESOL/TKT Program
Ozford: 10-week Certificate IV Course in TESOL and English for TESOL Course.


ACE : 10-week TESOL/TKT Program and 5-week TECSOL Course
Greenwich : 8-weeks Certificate IV Course in TESOL, 6-week TECSOL Course
International House : 8-weeks Certificate IV Course in TESOL , 6-week TECSOL Course
Milton : 10-week Certificate IV Course in TESOL


ACE : 10-week TESOL/TKT Program and 5-week TECSOL Course
Intech: 10-week TESOL.

Other areas

Gold coast, Byron Bay and Cairns also have some schools offering TESOL programs, however, they do not always open the courses due to the lack of students.
It is recommended to enrol TESOL/TECSOL courses in a large city.